

$ apt-cache show lynis | grep -A 7 ^Desc
Description-ja: Unix ベースのシステム向けのセキュリティ診断ツール
 Lynis は Unix 向け診断ツールです。システムの設定を走査して
 Lynis はセキュリティスキャナ、システムベンチマーキングツールや
Homepage: http://www.rootkit.nl/projects/lynis.html

$ sudo apt-get install -y lynis


$ sudo lynis -c --auditor "automated" --cronjob | tee lynis.log

$ cat lynis.log | grep -A 100 "\[ Lynis 1.2.9 Results \]" | sed s/"\]\|)\|\,\|\. "/"&\n"/g
  -[ Lynis 1.2.9 Results ]

  Tests performed: 141
   - [04:12:37]
 Warning: No password set for single mode [test:AUTH-9308]

   - [04:13:01]
 Warning: Couldn’t find 2 responsive nameservers [test:NETW-2705]

   - [04:13:03]
 Warning: Root can directly login via SSH [test:SSH-7412]

   - [04:13:06]
 Warning: No running NTP daemon or available client found [test:TIME-3104]

   - [04:13:06]
 Warning: Found SSL certificate expiration (/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt)

   - [04:12:21]
 Suggestion: update to the latest stable release.
   - [04:12:37]
 Suggestion: Install a PAM module for password strength testing like pam_cracklib or pam_passwdqc [test:AUTH-9262]

   - [04:12:37]
 Suggestion: When possible set expire dates for all password protected accounts [test:AUTH-9282]

   - [04:12:37]
 Suggestion: Configure password aging limits to enforce password changing on a regular base [test:AUTH-9286]

   - [04:12:37]
 Suggestion: Set password for single user mode to minimize physical access attack surface [test:AUTH-9308]

   - [04:12:37]
 Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/profile could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328]

   - [04:12:37]
 Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/login.defs could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328]

   - [04:12:37]
 Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/init.d/rc could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328]

   - [04:12:38]
 Suggestion: Disable drivers like USB storage when not used,
 to prevent unauthorized storage or data theft [test:STRG-1840]

   - [04:12:39]
 Suggestion: Disable drivers like firewire storage when not used,
 to prevent unauthorized storage or data theft [test:STRG-1846]

   - [04:13:00]
 Suggestion: Install package 'yum-utils' for better consistency checking of the package database [test:PKGS-7384]

   - [04:13:01]
 Suggestion: Check your resolv.conf file and fill in a backup nameserver if possible [test:NETW-2705]

   - [04:13:05]
 Suggestion: Add legal banner to /etc/issue,
 to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7126]

   - [04:13:05]
 Suggestion: Add legal banner to /etc/issue.net,
 to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7130]

   - [04:13:06]
 Suggestion: Enable auditd to collect audit information [test:ACCT-9628]

   - [04:13:06]
 Suggestion: Check if any NTP daemon is running or a NTP client gets executed daily,
 to prevent big time differences and avoid problems with services like kerberos,
 authentication or logging differences.

   - [04:13:06]
 Suggestion: Renew SSL expired certificates.

   - [04:13:07]
 Suggestion: Install a file integrity tool [test:FINT-4350]

   - [04:13:09]
 Suggestion: Harden the system by removing unneeded compilers.
This can decrease the chance of customized trojans,
 backdoors and rootkits to be compiled and installed [test:HRDN-7220]

  - Test and debug information      : /var/log/lynis.log
  - Report data                     : /var/log/lynis-report.dat
  Notice: Lynis update available
  Current version : 129    Latest version : 130
  Hardening index : [53]
     [##########          ]

  Lynis 1.2.9
  Copyright 2007-2009 - Michael Boelen,


$ sudo lynis --check-update

 == Lynis ==
  Version       :   1.2.9 [ Outdated ]
  Release date  :   15 December 2009

 == Databases ==
                    Current          Latest            Status
  Malware       :   2008062700       2008062700       Up-to-date
  File perms    :   2008053000       2008053000       Up-to-date

Copyright 2007-2009 - Michael Boelen, http://www.rootkit.nl/


$ sudo chroot /home/labunix/cifs/wheezy/ apt-cache show lynis | grep Version
Version: 1.3.0-1

$ sudo chroot /home/labunix/cifs/sid/ apt-cache show lynis | grep Version
Version: 1.3.0-1

$ sudo chroot /home/labunix/cifs/wheezy/ apt-get install -y lynis


$ sudo chroot /home/labunix/cifs/wheezy/ lynis -c --auditor "automated" --cronjob | tee lynis.log
$ cat lynis.log | grep -A 100 "\[ Lynis 1.3.0 Results \]" | sed s/"\]\|)\|\,\|\. "/"&\n"/g
  -[ Lynis 1.3.0 Results ]

  Tests performed: 133
   - [19:41:05]
 Warning: No running NTP daemon or available client found [test:TIME-3104]

   - [19:40:56]
 Suggestion: When possible set expire dates for all password protected accounts [test:AUTH-9282]

   - [19:40:56]
 Suggestion: Configure password aging limits to enforce password changing on a regular base [test:AUTH-9286]

   - [19:40:56]
 Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/profile could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328]

   - [19:40:56]
 Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/login.defs could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328]

   - [19:40:56]
 Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/init.d/rc could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328]

   - [19:40:56]
 Suggestion: To decrease the impact of a full /home file system,
 place /home on a separated partition [test:FILE-6310]

   - [19:40:57]
 Suggestion: The database required for 'locate' could not be found.
Run 'updatedb' or 'locate.updatedb' to create this file.

   - [19:40:57]
 Suggestion: Disable drivers like USB storage when not used,
 to prevent unauthorized storage or data theft [test:STRG-1840]

   - [19:40:57]
 Suggestion: Disable drivers like firewire storage when not used,
 to prevent unauthorized storage or data theft [test:STRG-1846]

   - [19:41:04]
 Suggestion: Add legal banner to /etc/motd,
 to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7122]

   - [19:41:04]
 Suggestion: Add legal banner to /etc/issue,
 to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7126]

   - [19:41:04]
 Suggestion: Add legal banner to /etc/issue.net,
 to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7130]

   - [19:41:05]
 Suggestion: Enable auditd to collect audit information [test:ACCT-9628]

   - [19:41:05]
 Suggestion: Check if any NTP daemon is running or a NTP client gets executed daily,
 to prevent big time differences and avoid problems with services like kerberos,
 authentication or logging differences.

   - [19:41:06]
 Suggestion: Install a file integrity tool [test:FINT-4350]

   - [19:41:08]
 Suggestion: One or more sysctl values differ from the scan profile and could be tweaked [test:KRNL-6000]

  - Test and debug information      : /var/log/lynis.log
  - Report data                     : /var/log/lynis-report.dat
  Hardening index : [49]
     [#########           ]

  Tip: Disable all tests which are not relevant or are too strict for the
       purpose of the particular machine.
This will remove unwanted suggestions
       and also boost the hardening index.
Each test should be properly analyzed
       to see if the related risks can be accepted,
 before disabling the test.
  Lynis 1.3.0
  Copyright 2007-2012 - Michael Boelen,

$ sudo chroot /home/labunix/cifs/wheezy/ lynis --check-update

 == Lynis ==

  Version         :   1.3.0
  Release date    :   28 April 2011
  Update location :   http://www.rootkit.nl/

 == Databases ==
                      Current          Latest           Status
  Malware         :   0       0       Up-to-date
  File perms      :   0       0       Up-to-date

Copyright 2007-2012 - Michael Boelen, http://www.rootkit.nl/